Birgit Boyer

Collecting family stories

Experience the highest quality of genealogy family tree services

beautiful sunlit tree
hands on tree trunk

Welcome to Garden of Genealogy

Imagine being able to connect with your family on a deeper level by understanding your shared history and cultural heritage. Ancestry Architects creates custom family histories that help different generations of your family understand and appreciate each other. By compiling photos, documents, and stories, we can help you rediscover your roots and preserve them for future generations. Our service is designed to bring families together, build stronger bonds, and create a lasting legacy. With our help, you can uncover fascinating stories, connect with your ancestors, and celebrate the unique traditions that make your family special. Let us help you bridge the gap between generations and bring your family closer together.

Our Services

Oral History Interviews

Conducting interviews with family members to gather personal stories, memories, and anecdotes, and preserving them for future generations.

Document Retrieval

Locating and obtaining birth certificates, marriage records, immigration documents, military records, and other relevant historical documents.

Record Digitization

Digitizing and archiving old photographs, letters, documents, and audio/video recordings for preservation and easy access.

vintage photo 3 young adults

Photo Scanning and Restoration

Digitizing old family photos, slides, and negatives, as well as restoring damaged or faded photographs to preserve family memories for future generations.

What Makes Us Different?

Environmentally friendly

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Affordable rates

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certified & experienced

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customer satisfaction

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No Job Is Too Small

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What Our Clients Say

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, te has solet postea. Voluptua quaestio dissentias has ex, no eum aliquid tibique petentium, agam mucius liberavisse eos idt.”
Francis Mathis
“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, te has solet postea. Voluptua quaestio dissentias has ex, no eum aliquid tibique petentium, agam mucius liberavisse eos idt.”
Francis Mathis
“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, te has solet postea. Voluptua quaestio dissentias has ex, no eum aliquid tibique petentium, agam mucius liberavisse eos idt.”
Francis Mathis

Ready to Transform Your Space?

Our professional team is here to give your home a fresh new look with a superb painting and decorating service. Contact us today and get a free estimate.
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